About Avotiya and Kunitsa

We are Polina (aka avotiya) and Olga (aka kunitsa), Sisters in Photocraft and two friends, one living in Munich, the other living two houses in Lviv and Moscow, and we love looking at the world through our photographic lenses.

The idea of setting up this creative space came about from common interest in photography of two women who live thousands of kilometers apart. This absorbing passion for depicting bits and pieces of life through the works of light and storytelling was growing on us since we met in Norway 6 years ago. We started together with taking blurry but highly artistic (mind you!) photos, and now after years of playing with our cameras we feel ready to share our visions with the public wider than friends and relatives. We hope our images will speak to you as they speak to us.

I am completely a self-taught photographer. I am learning every day: new photographic skills, creative vision of the frame, and different attitude to life. I think that looking at the world through the viewfinder reveals all even the smallest details I would not have noticed otherwise. When I have my camera with me, I look closer, and I stop perceiving things surrounding me as given: houses, grass, a cup full of steaming green tea. I am looking for stories and they reveal themselves both in everyday objects and in cities and places unfamiliar, during my travels.
I am Ukrainian, life brought me to Norway for a few years. Germany is the third country I am living in for a long period in my life together with my husband, who is Italian. I suspect that it is a swirl of cultures constantly rolling and unfolding around me that brought me about taking on photography. Italian way of drinking quick espresso, Ukrainian way of drinking tea, ripened with future wine grapes of Toscana, dramatic landscapes of Norway.

I think my passion for life happily transmitted in the passion for photography. It is by documenting my impressions that I get something to share with the other people. Also with my pictures I can make myself – always being away from many of my dear people – more clear and understood. I naturally grow into the places where I lived, studied, worked, travelled to - and happy to share some of my affection with you.
I am Soviet by birth, Russian by citizenship, Ukrainian by residence, Danish and Norwegian by my study degrees, Indian by spiritual roots, Turkish by dreams. I feel at home any place I go and probably that’s my continuous search for ultimate home that makes me keep going places.
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Sisters in Photocraft Blog by Sisters in Photocraft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.